ACS(International)由新加坡卫理公会教会所有。 基督教的价值观和包容性是我们所做的一切 – 在学术追求,体育领域,领导和服务他人方面。 每周为整个学校社区举办一个半小时的教堂服务,其中包括基本和普遍的基督教价值观。

我们为在新加坡背景下对国际课程感兴趣的新加坡人和海外学生提供服务,特别是“ACS教育品牌”。 我们的建立符合新加坡政府的目标,即使新加坡成为 卓越 的教育 中心 ,为当地和地区的学生提供服务。

ACS非常自豪地培养明天的领导者。 随着我们不断前进并满足不断变化的现代世界的需求,我们的教育品牌中的一件事保持不变 – 健全的基督教价值观和原则,负责卓越,服务和忠诚的无与伦比的ACS精神。

我们的国际学生目前来自30多个国家 – 他们为我们的学校文化做出了丰富的贡献,并帮助培养了整个学校社区的全球意识。 此外,我们珍惜新加坡人的价值观 – 与新加坡人站在一起,演奏国歌,并在日常集会中吟诵承诺。

ACS的传统和价值观 Our ACS Heritage, Traditions & Values

历史走廊 Heritage


英华校群秉承创办人 William F. Oldham主教的信念,以培育德行高尚、“智、体、群、灵”四育均衡发展的完人为学校愿景。从小学一路到高中,我们的学生不断探索发现、经历个人发展、相互交流、追求卓越。不论在哪一个阶段,我们都为学生做好最充分的准备,让他们将来踏入社会时,能面对人生中的种种考验。这个难忘的学习旅程让学生在同侪间培养深厚的友情,与师长、家长及校友建立密切的关系,传承独一无二的英华精神。


Our Team

Senior Leadership Team

ACS (International) is overseen by the Principal, Mr Gavin Kinch, who heads the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). The team consists of outstanding educators with many years of leadership experience across a broad range of contexts.

The responsibilities of each SLT member in the context of the school can be found here.

Our ACS (International) Organisation Chart can be found here.

Mr Gavin Kinch


Mrs Tan Siew Hoon

Vice Principal,
Senior Division

Mr Christopher Hayward

Vice Principal,
Middle Division

Dr Kris Achter

Vice Principal,
Junior Division

Mr Chia Choong Kiat

Director of Administration

成就 Achievements

专业认可 Professional Recognition

Council of International Schools

Registered with the Council, a non-profit membership organisation that provides services to elementary and secondary schools and higher education institutions around the world

Institute of Public Character, Ministry of Education

Registered as a not-for-profit organisation and awarded “Institution of Public Character” for the Institution’s role in community commitment and service

International Baccalaureate World School

Registered with International Baccalaureate Organization as a World School, delivering the IBDP

The University of Cambridge International Examinations/Cambridge International Centre

Registered as an assessing centre for Cambridge International Centre, delivering General Certificate for Secondary Education

The Methodist Church of Singapore

As an affiliated Methodist Institution