Whole-School Parent Teacher Meeting

26 March 2019

The first of two whole-school Parent Teacher Meetings (PTMs) held on 26 March saw both morning and afternoon sessions packed with a steady stream of parents. The afternoon session was surprisingly busy with many parents still around at 4pm. Most teachers were engaging parents all day!

At the Seminar Room, Library Block, one PEAKS Q&A Session for Parents was conducted during lunchtime, while two half-hour sessions on Career Advice to Students were held. The average turnout of 30 at each of these sessions spoke for itself the interest parents placed on the non-academic areas of their child’s development.

In a nutshell, we received from the parents positive comments about the school, the engaging teachers, and their child’s overall progress from parents. They appreciated the opportunity to speak with their child’s teachers. We had seven families fly in from Japan and even more from Korea.

The estimated turnout at the PTM was about 600 families with an average of three members.